
Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence Roundtable

In an AS/COA event in partnership with Salesforce, speakers, including Chile's science minister, explored how to regulate the burgeoning technology.


  • Aisén Etcheverry, Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation of Chile 
  • Ángel Melguizo, Founder, Argia and Advisor to UNESCO 
  • Rachel Gillum, Vice President of Ethical & Inclusive Product, Office of Ethical and Humane Use, Salesforce 
  • Randy Melzi, Vice President of Public Policy Programs and Corporate Relations, AS/COA

"There's a lot of pressure for CEOs and organizational leaders to start deploying AI and really reap the benefits of those efficiencies, but the trust hasn't caught up," said Rachel Gillum of Salesforce in a virtual roundtable on the ethical use of artificial intelligence. In an event convened as a part of AS/COA’s Digital & Data Governance Series, speakers explored how regulation and principles can ensure safe and inclusive use of AI.

"I think nothing is changing our lives so much as artificial intelligence," said Argia's Ángel Melguizo in his introductory remarks. But while excitement is building around AI, Gillum was clear: "In order for customers to really uptake and use the technology, they need to trust it." She cautioned that over half of customers don't believe AI models are safe.

How to build that trust? Regulation is needed, Melguizo and Gillum agreed. Minister Aisén Etcheverry of Chile spoke about how countries should approach crafting those policies. "We were the first country, I believe, in the actually go through the process and do an assessment of the country to understand where we order to have everything that was needed for the full and responsible development of artificial intelligence," she said. She highlighted efforts to build capacity around infrastructure and personnel, as well as efforts to create standards on ethical issues. 

Etcheverry called for more international cooperation on the issue. "If we don't manage to create regulations that are interoperable, among countries and agencies... it's going to be really, really hard," she said.
